supporting ASEAN-EU research cooperation and related policy dialogue
Runtime: 4 years (Oct 2012 to Sep 2016)
Coordination: DLR/Germany
Stakeholder dialogue
H2020 information
Thematic workshops
Alumni activities
Analyses → Bibliometrics
Key message 1
Research output in the ASEAN region is growing fast(er than the world average) – expanding research potential
ASEAN-EU publications 2004-2013: 412303 records → 3-fold increase between 2004 and 2013
ASEAN countries' publication output during the past 10 years (2004-2013), by country
Key message 2
The ASEAN research landscape is fairly internationalised
ASEAN countries' co-publications (2004-2013)
60 % of ASEAN research output are international co-publications (249341 records)
Key message 3
The European Research Area is ASEAN‘s main co-publication partner region in the world
ASEAN co-publications with important partners (2004-2013)
60 % of ASEAN research output are international co-publications (249341 records)
Key message 4
Relevant role of the US and Japan but trend towards ERA (European Research Area)
ASEAN co-publications with important partners (2004-2013)
ASEAN countries' co-publications with ERA (2004-2013)
ASEAN-EU 2004-2013: 52281 records → 13% of ASEAN output
Key message 5
Thematically, health plays an important role in ASEAN countries; other strengths are noted for each country individually
Thematic areas in ASEAN research publications (in absolute numbers)
Thematic areas in ASEAN research publications (in relative numbers)
Thematic specialisations in ASEAN research
(development between 2008-2010 and 2011-2013)
Indonesia: medicine-related areas (cardiovasc. systems) strongest with TH; with MY in general S&T, materials, energy, artificial intelligence, electrical engineering
Malaysia: chemical engineering (particularly TH, PH); general S&T (ID); plant biology (BN); environmental sciences (VN)
Philippines: med-related areas with and microbiology with SG and TH; chem. Engineering with MY
Singapore: strongest in medicine-related areas except for Indonesia where chemistry is more important
Thailand: remarkably strong link in inorganic & nuclear chemistry with Malaysia
Vietnam: medicine-related areas clearly the strongest; biomedicine strong with Thailand and Cambodia
Source: FP7 participation data (CORDIS)
ASEAN publications (2004-2013) per topic.
ASEAN research output is growing fast(er than the world average)
ERA as ASEAN‘s main co-publication partner region in the world
ASEAN countries' research is fairly internationalised
Trend towards collaboration with the European Research Area (ERA)
Health research is important for all ASEAN countries; other strengths are individual
Organisations with the highest co-publication output with ERA countries - ASEAN
Organisations with the highest co-publication output with ERA countries - Indonesia
Organisations with the highest co-publication output with ERA countries - Malaysia
Organisations with the highest co-publication output with ERA countries - Philippines
Organisations with the highest co-publication output with ERA countries - Singapure
Organisations with the highest co-publication output with ERA countries - Thailand
Organisations with the highest co-publication output with ERA countries - Vietnam