supporting ASEAN-EU research cooperation and related policy dialogue
Runtime: 4 years (Oct 2012 to Sep 2016)
Coordination: DLR/Germany
Stakeholder dialogue
H2020 information
Thematic workshops
Alumni activities
Analyses → Bibliometrics
Key message 1
Research output in the ASEAN region is growing fast(er than the world average) – expanding research potential
ASEAN countries' publication output during the past 10 years (2004-2013), by country
Thailand 2004-2013: 89881 records → 22% of ASEAN output
Key message 2
The European Research Area is ASEAN‘s main co-publication partner region in the world
ASEAN co-publications with important partners (2004-2013)
Key message 3
The Thai research landscape is fairly internationalised
ASEAN countries' co-publications (2004-2013)
40% of thai research output are international co-publications (more than in MY, less than in SG)
Key message 4
Relevant role of the US and Japan but trend towards ERA Thailand as a relevant hub for neighbouring countries
Thai copublications with important partners (2004-2013)
ASEAN countries' co-publications with ERA (2004-2013)
ASEAN-EU 2004-2013: 52281 records → 13% of ASEAN output
Thailand-EU 2004-2013: 11490 records
13% of Thailand‘s output (same as share of ASEAN-EU co-publications in ASEAN overall publications)
22% of ASEAN-EU co-publications (same share as Thailand‘s publications in overall ASEAN publications)
Key message 5
Thematically, biomedical research plays a more important role in EU-Thailand co-publications than in Thailand output in general; ICTs, social sciences and engineering a lesser
Thematic areas in Thai research publications
Source: FP7 participation data (CORDIS)
ASEAN publications (2004-2013) per topic.
ASEAN research output is growing fast(er than the world average)
ERA as ASEAN‘s main co-publication partner region in the world
Thai research: fairly internationalised
Trend towards ERA, not (yet?) as much as ASEAN countries; role of Japan
Biomedical research higher; ICTs, social sciences and engineering lesser role in TH-ERA co-publications
Organisations with the highest co-publication output with ERA countries - ASEAN
Organisations with the highest co-publication output with ERA countries - Thailand
Thailand's most important ERA partner institutions